Sunday, July 23, 2006

Week 2!

Today was the start of the second week in VOICE. We went to church and had a very special speech. (I think the pastor was really cool!) Then the lunch was very delicious because it's like Taiwanese taste.

After the meal we went to Wal-Mart to go shopping. The market was so big that we even had to run in order to finish our shopping in two hours. I thought there were many strange products in it that we will never see in Taiwan's supermarket. For example, embroidery floss, clothes, varied bandages which had cute designs on them, and so on. I spent totally $38.66. It was so much fun to go shopping in a foreign market.

The best part of today was the worship time. We sang so many beautiful melodies. They really touched my heart deeply and reminded me that one thing is always more important than the others-- to search for God's joy not human praise.

Gloria Chang
Team 4


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